Timothy P.
If this is your first visit, we want to help make it an easy experience!
Our address is 427 Gilmer. Parking is on the Davis Street side. Park in the main lot, with the Welcome & 10:30 banners. We saved you a spot right up front! You'll enter under the awning with double doors.
We'll have a hot cup of coffee and a fresh donut waiting for you in the main lobby.
We have a greeter in the main lobby to help check your kids in and get them to their classes. Nursery-4 year olds go straight to their class. If your kids are K-5th grade, they'll join you in the Worship Center and then dismiss to their classes when the song service is over. You'll pick your kids up in the KidStreet room at the end of the main hall as soon as the service concludes. Of course, kids are always welcome to stay with you in the Worship Center! You will be required to show your parent sticker to the volunteer before picking up your child.
Davis Street is a casual church. You'll be comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt, or slacks and dresses. Just come as you are!